Pineapples offer a number of health benefits. 

Freshly blended fruit smoothies of various colors and tastes in glass jars. Yellow, red, green. Turquoise blue background

Fresh pineapple contains bromelain. However, it loses the bromelain when cooked, as well as when canned, so eating fresh pineapple is the best option. Bromelain can help to reduce inflammation and swelling, strengthens bones, and blocks diarrhoea. Pineapple also contains manganese, a mineral which aids digestion. Surprisingly, pineapple is a good source of fibre. 

When we get a cold, we instinctively reach for the orange juice. Pineapple also contains vitamin C, and the bromelain it contains is useful in fighting coughs and releasing the mucus associated with colds. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps to protect the body from the damage inflicted by free radicals, as well as enhancing the immune system.  It also helps in restoring the tissues , healing cuts and bruises, absorbing iron and limiting the effects of colds and other viruses. 

The abundance of vitamin C means that pineapple is also good for oral health. The State University of New York carried out a study which showed that vitamin C can limit gingivitis (bleeding gums) and periodontal disease (a form of gum disease). It enables the body to fight the bacteria which cause gum disease, and aids the ability of the connective tissues to mend themselves. Periodontal disease is associated with heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes, to name but a few illnesses. 

When eaten with antibiotics and an enzyme called trypsin, pineapple can successfully treat the symptoms of urinary tract infections. 

Previous studies suggest that pineapple can play a part in thinning blood, and can therefore alleviate angina symptoms. Other studies indicate that it can also alleviate the warning signs of rheumatoid arthritis.  

Although bromalein is not essential for a healthy diet, supplements do exist. However, the best approach is to eat fresh pineapple. If you choose to take supplements, the recommended dose is between 200 and 400mg, three times per day on an empty stomach (one hour and a half prior to or three hours after meals).