Active date ideas would appeal to adventurous or sporty couples. Such dating ideas keep fun and enjoyment always at the forefront. The physical couple would in such cases want to share new experiences and feelings. Some dating ideas are provided below for reference; to guide you with your date plans:

#1: Take Her to the Beach

Invite her to a day at the beach (or weekend if she agrees to it). Aside from swimming and sun bathing, engage her in water sports as jet skiing, kayaking or sailing. Keep her entertained with exciting beach activities. Be sure to be dressed for the occasion in appropriate date attire, complimenting her beach wear. Take her as well to nearby beach restaurants and let the ambiance of sea and sand lull you to a comfortably romantic moment.

#2: Take Her Trekking

Invite your lady love to a trekking activity, especially if she loves walking or running as part of her exercise regimen. She is sure to say yes to a walk amidst nature. As example, you may wish to set up a date to trek up a mountain trail. Then again, she may be more interested in fun runs. If so, be sure to register early, giving you more time with her getting ready for race day.

#3: Take Her Diving

Snorkelling and diving are fun under water activities. This and other similar dating ideas require that you make logistical preparations way before the weekend date. This includes flight arrangements (if needed); accommodations; and equipment handling. Make each diving experience different by going to a new diving site every so often. Shared underwater encounters make for good conversation topics.

#4: Take Her to an Extreme Sports Park

Date ideas for the active couple may include taking on activities as bungee jumping, rappelling and rock climbing. An extreme sports enthusiast usually enjoys the rush of adrenaline from such activities. There are venues that are focused on particular types of adventure sports and there are theme parks with several action sports in one location. Choose the latter to spend more time with your lady love doing fun activities together.

Dating ideas for the sports-minded may not appeal to many couples. Be sure that your partner is truly into the activity before getting all excited for the trip. Then again, if she’s as into it as you are, she could just be the soul mate you are looking for. Later while reminiscing, you can romantically and light-heartedly refer to this as ‘my first (put activity here) experience with you.’

If you are in the need of date ideas, look no further! With a little research and effort, you will be on your way to a second date in no time!

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